Let's Get Organized!

I've always felt like organization should be considered a category of multiple intelligence.  There are some people that are naturally stronger in this area than others.   It seems to be intuitive to them, just like the person who can play the piano by ear.  Other people can take piano lessons and become a proficient at playing the piano.  But, they needed guidance to get to that level of competence.  

I'm sure you can name at least three students in your class that you would consider organization to be one of their multiple intelligence.  Seventy to eighty percent of your class are probably competent for their age level.  You may observe the following with the other 10% - 20% of your class:
  • Incomplete classwork
  • Difficulty beginning assignments during work time because he or she is looking for supplies that are broken, missing, or hard to find in their messy desk
  • Turning in homework on an inconsistent basis
  • Lost hat, gloves, lunchbox, library book, etc.
  • Backpack is rarely zipped all the way because it is so full of wadded up papers, wrappers from snacks, special toys, etc.
  • Forgot to turn in picture money in time
  • Forgot to turn in field trip permission slip in time
  • Last students to leave the classroom at dismissal time because they are still looking for coat, backpack, hat, etc.
  • Last child to line up at recess because he or she is looking for the ball, jump rope, etc.
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