Start Off the New Year - $100 Amazon Gift Card + $25 Gift Card Mall

Happy New Year!  Have your heard the news?  My friends at Owl-Ways Be Inspired blog decided to throw a big New Year bash with some super prizes.  You could win a $100 Amazon gift card.  That would be a great way to start your year off, right?  

Plus, there's more prizes!  I am giving away a $25 gift card to the Gift Card Mall.  I love this site for getting gift cards because its like a cyberspace mall.  The winner chooses the store or restaurant for the gift card. So, get ready to do a little retail therapy.

Don't forget to visit the other ladies who are giving away great stuff, too.  A list of the prizes is on the Owly's blog. The more blogs that you visit and enter, the greater your chances are that you'll win.  If this is your lucky year, you could win more than one prize.

Click HERE to visit the Owl-Ways Be Inspired blog for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card.

Enter below to win a $25 gift card from the Gift Card Mall.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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