We Give Thanks Giveaway

 The holiday season is upon us.  Can you relate to any of the following?

  • You have had one too many inside recess days.
  • You have noticed that some of your parents are stressed and quicker to send a less-than-pleasant email before fully investigating an issue.
  • Your students are off schedule because there are special practices for this program, that assembly, and a holiday function which means your students have reverted to the first week of school behavior.
  • You go home and find your own household is suffering from the same holiday craziness.
On top of all of that, you are probably trying to do a little holiday shopping, right? 

My friend, Fern and I wanted to do something special during this holiday season.  We realize that this time of year can be a little crazy for you.  So, we thought we'd give a $50 Toys R Us gift certificate to one of our followers.  This site has stuff that would be great for your class or your kids. Here are a few things you might want to check out!

Brain teaser 

Building Sets & Blocks

Arts & Crafts

Books, Movies, & Music

Do you want to enter?  All you have to do is follow our TPT stores.  

Click on the sign below to follow my TPP store.

Click on the sign below to follow Fern's store.

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