Blogger's and Seller's 101: What's in a Name?

If you are a parent, think back to when you were pregnant.  Do you remember all of the discussions you had with your family members about what to name your baby?  As a teacher this is especially difficult because invariably someone will suggest a name . . . a perfectly wonderful name, but . . . you once had a student with that name.  Let's just say you don't want daily reminders of your time spent with that student.  

Even naming a pet isn't just as easy as 1, 2, 3.  There are discussions and negotiations before consensus is reached.

Are you a teacher who has decided to take the plunge and set up a TPT store and/or blog this summer?  One of the first things you will be asked when setting this up on TPT and the blogging site is about the name of your store/blog.  You will confuse your followers less, if the name of your blog and the name of your store are the same.

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