Sub Plans Tips

I have often thought that one of the reasons why there are so many viruses in a school, is because teachers go to work sick.  Not just sniffling and sneezing kind of sick - but full on "I feel like death warmed over" kind of sick. Why do they do this?  It's because teachers hate to prepare for subs.  Most find it easier to go to school sick, than prepare for sub.  

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(Click on picture for the link.)

Prepare before you get sick is the best advice I can give you.  The last thing you feel like doing is trying to think of all the details to tell a sub when you been up and down all night with a sick child or your own sickness.  So, when you go back to school in August to prepare your room for a new year, add sub plans to your "to do" list.  You will be glad you did!
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