A.D.H.D. & Building Stamina

Do you have a student that is your puzzle student this year?   This child is very capable when it comes to reading, yet he or she rarely reads for pleasure.  These puzzles students are often on or even above grade level in reading.  Yet, they consider reading a chore rather than a passion.  You've tried every incentive in your bag of tricks this year, but nothing seems to excite him or her.

I have often found that these bright students who are not reading for pleasure have not built up their stamina.  Many times it is their lack of attention span that is interfering with their reading.  They can read harder, more complex text which is often found in a chapter book.  But, when they look at a book that is on their reading level, they get overwhelmed by the number of words on a page.  It is like their brains turn off when they see a thick book or a page "too full" of words.
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