Sunshine Committe - Social Committee - Ideas for Fall

Are you on the Sunshine Committee this year?  Some schools call it Social Committee. Whatever the name, it serves the same purpose.  Usually there is a little arm twisting at the beginning of the year to get staff members to pay their dues.  If your school normally doesn't allow the staff to wear jeans, you might ask your administrator if your committee could give people who pay dues a "Jean Day Coupon" that allows teachers to wear jeans on one day of their choosing.  It's like a "get out of jail" card.

Through the years, there has been some grumbling at some of my schools about our committee.  I think this happens when there are not clear cut guidelines.  There needs to be guidelines in writing and transparency with the finances.  Here are a few topics to discuss when you are ready to write some guidelines:
  • Leadership:  officers and their duties
    • I highly recommend the treasurer giving a report at the faculty meetings at least quarterly.
  • Boss Day in October:  Will the committee purchase the gift?  If so, what is the budget?
  • Appreciation Day/Week:  Which staff members do you recognize?  How and what is the budget?  
  • Morale booster activities:  when and budget
  • Staff parties:  When, where, budget
  • Showers:  baby/wedding - Does the committee provide anything for the shower, if so what is the budget.  Is it for the first baby and first wedding or other?
  • Death:  Does the committee send something from the faculty? If so, what and what is the budget?  What relationship to the staff member should it be when you do this?  I.E.  Immediate family member
  • Holidays:  
    • Does the committee purchase holiday gifts for any staff members?  If so, who and what is the budget? 
I typed up a few things that I have done at some of my schools that you might like, too.  These are fun activities that boost morale.

Do you have a staff member that is your PTA representative?  If the PTA ask you for suggestions, you might suggest that they organize food during your conferences.  I helped organize this at my daughter's middle school.  Her school had a week of Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Students had school for half a day and then teachers met with parents the other half.  Our PTA organized food the first three days for the teachers.  We knew that the teachers had conferences at different times and wouldn't eat at the same time so the food had to stay fresh for a long time.  We organized a salad bar one day, a nacho bar another day, and heavy appetizers the final day.  This was the most popular thing that our committee organized. 

Click HERE to download this freebie.

Looking for more tips?  Check out my Beginning of the Year Pinterest board.  Click on the picture below.

Fern has a few tips to share with you, too.  Be sure to hop over to her blog!

Each week, Fern and I will share a teacher tip. We love to read teacher blogs and the latest teacher idea books and hope you do, too!  Stop by Fern's blog and my blog each week for our latest tips.  We hope you will share your ideas, too.  

Each week we will choose one person who shared a tip on our blog who will get a $10 shopping trip.  We will announce the winner on the following Tuesday's post.  

Click HERE to read Melinda's tip.

Do you have a staff morale booster tip to share?  Be sure to include your email so I can contact you if you're the winner of the $10 shopping trip. You must leave your email address in order to win.

Looking for more ideas?  Click on the pictures below.

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