Purell 30 Day Challenge Update

Wow! The Mom It Forward Blogger Network asked if I would be interested in writing a sponsored post about the Purell 30-Day Challenge.  This is a topic that I think all teachers are very knowledgeable about because our students are frequently sick.

I was sick all the time my first few years of teaching.  Then I discovered the wonders of hand sanitizer.  I kept it everywhere because I did not have a sink in my classroom.  As you've probably heard, proper hand hygiene is one of the best things you can do to avoid getting sick.  When soap and water are not available, you should use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.  Purell made a big difference!

Have you been enjoying your summer vacation? This summer, my family has been on several trips.  I am fortunate that I get to tag along on my husband's business trips.  This summer I joined him on his trips to Hawaii and Canada.  The one thing I absolutely, positively did not want to do was get sick when I was away from home.  I have asthma, so getting a simple virus is a little complicated.  It is horrible if you get sick when you are away from home and your doctors.

One of the first things I always pack in my purse, backpack, toiletry bag, suitcase, and anywhere I can think to put it are small bottles of Purell.  While I love traveling and experiencing new things, I always cringe a little at the airports because of all the germs that I imagine floating through the air.  I don't know about you, but it never fails, the person who sits behind me on the airplane always seems to be coughing and sneezing.  Does that happen to you, too?  If so, you need to stock up on Purell, too!  I stayed healthy on all of my trips thanks to Purell.

Click on picture.

Teachers, I know many of you are getting ready to go Back to School.  Did you see all the resources that the Purell site has for teachers?  Don't forget to add a bottle or two of Purell to your Back to School purchases.  I think the beginning of the year is one of the hardest times to be sick.

Purell began a 30-Day Challenge on July 14th.  You and your family can win some fabulous prizes!

 You could win:
  • $100 VISA gift card. (8 weekly winners will receive this great prize.)
  • Daily winners will receive Purell advanced products. (63 daily winners will receive this great prize.)
  • 30 grand prize winners will receive a healthy family prize pack.
 To register for the 30-Day Challenge visit either the Purell website or the Purell FB page (click one of the pictures below for the link):

After you register, download the challenges and get your friends and family involved.
You get:
  • 1 entry when you register for the Purell 30 Day Challenge
  • 1 entry for every friend who registers for the promotion (limit 10 entries).
  • 1 entry each time you visit one of the sites above (one visit per day).
  • 5 entries for videos
  • 2 entries for photos
  • 1 entry per story read

Here is an example of an entry.

Don't forget to tell your friends and family about this challenge!

Here are the links you will use for the challenge:

I would love to hear if my follower enter and/or win.  Please leave me a comment below, on my FB, or send me an email.  Thanks!

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