Meet the Blogger - Linky

I'm sure there are teachers and administrators who are scratching their heads trying to come up with some unique get-to-know you activities.  It's that time of year.  New school year means new staff members, new teachers on your team, and a new class.  If you've been "in the business" long enough you get to the point of been there, done that, right?

The get-to-know-you activities that I like the best are the ones where people tell a few things about themselves.  Usually I can find a few things that I have in in common with the people I'm meeting.  It's nice to find common ground when one of you is in a new situation.

In the blogging world, we thought it would be fun to have a little meet-and-greet. We hope you find out a few new things about bloggers that you've been following and meet a few new ones, too.

These are a few of my favorite things…

gel pens, Staedtler markers, and any other fun office supplies

If you weren’t a teacher, what would you want to be?


Three little words that describe you. 

on the go

Finish this sentence, “___________________, said no teacher EVER!!”

All my work is finished!

It’s your birthday and you can invite anyone {dead or alive} to the party. Who are you inviting?

Barbara Bush

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would be the title?

Who knew?

You get to pick one superpower. What is it?

Wisdom - I'm making up my own superpower.

What’s your favorite quote or saying?

It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.  This was a saying that my Dad often said when I was growing up.  It is good advice!

Click HERE to download this.

My second one has to do with Google.  I think Google is this amazing resource. But, I often see people asking other people questions before they check Google.

  • HABIT: I'm not sure if it is a habit to ask people rather than search for the answer yourself.  
  • TIME: It takes too much time to search. 
  • PERSONAL CONNECTION:  People ask other people questions rather than Google it because they like the connection with people.  
As a teacher, we tell our students that they need to find the answer themselves so they will remember it better.  This is a good practice to do as adults, too.  

I think it has become a pet peeve for some because there are some funny graphics popping up on the internet.  The signs below are found where I get all of my favorite fonts. Kimberly Geswein's fonts are amazing plus she has a fun sense of humor, too! These are a free download on Kimberly's site.

If you HAD to sing one song on American Idol, what would it be? 

"Michelle" by the Beatles.  Do you have an idea how many times people have sung that song to me?  The only thing that happened a little less often was my first, middle, and last name before I got married was French.  When people saw this they would either begin singing Frere Jacques or they would talk with an accent like Pepe Le Pew.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Unquestionably a morning person

What’s your favorite resource that you’ve created in your TPT shop?

My Pencil Pal packets are fun to make because I use so many graphics.  Graphics have quickly become a new addiction.

My Bubble Gum and Popcorn packets brought back such happy memories.  When I began these program I saw kindergarteners' and 1st graders' true potential. It was eye opening to see how far little learners can go if you tap into their potential.

Share something we might not know about you!

I recently got a new car, this little bug.  Ever since I saw the first Herbie movie as a child I have loved VW Beetles.  The first car my husband and I bought when we got married was a used Beetle.  I used the term "used" loosely.  It looked like it needed a giant bandaid.  

It was stick shift and I had only driven a stick shift a couple of times. So, before I could drive my little orange, very used beetle, I had to become more proficient at driving a stick.  This meant driving lessons from my husband.  You can imagine how much fun that is for a new marriage, right?  Tears and frustration for me and looks of disbelief from my husband.  Yes, dear, not everyone is born driving a stick.  Some of us have problems walking and chewing gum.

My husband restored our little orange, very used bug for me.  Eventually we traded it off and in the past 24 years of marriage I have driven more typical SUVs and cars.  For my birthday this past March, he planned to buy me a new SUV.  He had narrowed it down to two and wanted me to make the final selection.  I looked at them but they didn't pull on my heart strings.   

This summer we were at the Volkswagen dealer looking at vehicles for my husband when I saw Zippy.  It was love at first sight.  The best thing . . . . Zippy is AUTOMATIC!

P.S.  If you like VW Beetles, too visit my Pinterest board dedicated to them.  Click on the picture below to visit it.

Would you like to meet a few of my friends?  My friend, Stephanie @ Falling Into First is having a linky party that is like a cyber meet and greet.  Click on the picture below and go say hello to everyone!

Sources to make my blog post graphics can be found HERE.
Click HERE to read my blog's disclosure statement.
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