Back to School: Ice Breaker & Idioms

When you go to a party and don't know very many people, how do you connect with people?  Do you try to find something that you have in common?  Shared experiences?

You can give your students that same experience and incorporate figurative language at the same time.  Introduce the "I've been in your shoes" idiom to your class.

Next your students will need a partner or you will need to put them in small groups.

Give each partner or groups a discussion card.  This card has topics that your students will share about their experiences with their group or partner.  They may not have experienced every topic, but they should share their experiences about at least 2 of the topics.

When your cooperative groups finishing sharing their experiences, students will go back to their tables or desks and write about one of the students in their group that they have been in their shoes.  Students should tell who they shared a common experience with and how these experiences are alike.  When students finish writing, have them share their stories with the class.

Would you like to do this cooperative activity with your class?  It is a free download.

Fern and I have been in your shoes, both literally and figuratively!  We would love to help one lucky follower's feet - the literal kind.  One of the hardest things about the beginning of the school year is coming home to aching feet.  We thought it would be fun to do a giveaway for a $50 Zappos shoe gift card.  You can do a little retail therapy!

Read the directions on the rafflecopter below.  Tell your friends because they are "in your shoes" right now, too!

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