Classroom management: Pencils

Pencils are one of those things that are not taught in your undergraduate classes.  Sad, because they can cause so much frustration in your day-to-day life as a teacher.  I thought I would share a few of the things I learned - many times - the hard way!

It was my second year of teaching and I was very nervous.  I had a year under my belt so I knew there was a lot about teaching that I had yet to learn and I knew I didn't know everything.  I was at a new school so I wanted to make a good impression.  I had worked hours on my room and I THOUGHT I had everything ready for my students.  I had just found out that I was going to be the teacher with the oversized class.  I was supposed to have up to 30 first grade students that year with an teacher's assistant. The T.A. wouldn't be hired until weeks later after the final numbers were in so I was on my own for now.  And I started out the year with 32 first graders.  Yes, I was 2 over, but the district assumed a couple of students would move in the first few weeks.  I didn't even have enough desks for all my students at this point.

After the parents left and I took roll, I gave my students an assignment to fill out.  My students began digging through their brand new supplies but very, very, very few of the pencils were sharpened.  And no one had told me that I should have a class set of pencils sharpened and ready to go the first day.  

So, I did what any 2nd year of teaching teacher would do.  I told my students to line up at the pencil sharpener.  This was in the olden days when you had to sharpen your own pencils, not use an electric sharpener.  There were probably 25 kids in line at the sharpener.  You can imagine what that was like!  So, then I took over the cranking of the sharpener, thinking it would speed things along.  And guess who walked in?  It was my principal AND the Superintendent of the district.  Not the best way to make a good impression.

So, my teacher tip is, buy a class set of pencils plus a few extras.  Sharpen them before the first day so you won't make the same mistake that I did.

I have a free parent note for you.  Click on the picture to download it.

Looking for more tips?  Check out my Classroom Management Pinterest board.  Click on the picture below.

Fern has a few tips about pencils to share with you, too.  Be sure to hop over to her blog!

Fern and I are adding something new this summer.  Summer is a great time to catch up on your reading.  I love to read teacher blogs and the latest teacher idea books.  Stop by Fern's blog and my blog each week for Tuesday Teacher Tips.  We hope you will share your ideas, too.  

Each week we will choose one person who shared a tip on our blog who will get a $10 shopping trip.  We will announce the winner in the following Tuesday's post.  The winner for June 3rd post will be announced on June 10th's post.

Do you have a pencil tip to share?  Be sure to include your email so I can contact you if you're the winner of the $10 shopping trip.

Looking for more ideas?  Check out these!
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