Too much energy?

This is one of the most stressful times of the year.  You feel pressure from administration and parents about the upcoming standardized tests.  No matter how many times you go over some of the material, you know that some of your students will not perform at the level that you would like.

Then there are the woes with the weather.  One too many inside recess means students with too much energy!  After working on test prep all morning, students need a recess and so does their teacher!

This past week, one of the teachers in a Facebook group that I belong to, shared a new site that she found that is the perfect cure for this.  Have you heard of GoNoodle? If you follow my friends, Tessa @ Tales from Outside the Classroom or Kelley @ Teacher Idea Factory you probably saw their posts about how excited they are about this site.

GoNoodle is FREE!  All you need is an Internet connection, computer, projector and screen or interactive whiteboard.
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