Discipline Tip: Seating Chart

Bear with me when I tell you this story.  I promise by the end you will see how this can help with your students who have trouble following the rules.

All across America there are teachers who are stressed.  Not the usual stresses of parent complaints, learning new curriculum, getting ready for standardized tests, or students not completing their homework.  No, this stress is a different kind.  This is the stress that stems from a teammate.  If this hasn't happened to you yet, consider yourself one of the lucky ones.  But, to many others, this is something that has happened over and over throughout his or her career.  

Here is how this common scenario plays out . . . Mrs. Workshard is a strong teacher.  She has good classroom management skills, her parents are happy when they find out their child has been placed in her class, and she learned early in her career that education is an ever changing field and has learned to adapt to the changes.  Her principal knows that she needs minimal supervision because she will come to him if she needs support with a student.  All in all, she is a principal's dream teacher.  Oh!  If only a  principal could have a school filled with teachers like her, the principal's job would be heaven.
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